Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Cell Group W26

I just came back from my cell group, I started to serve today as a guitarist. This is my 1st time playing and I need a lot of time to get used to it, but too bad I'm leaving City Harvest every soon. It's gonna lead another new story in my life again. Wonder how's it going to be? Exciting?

Being a Christian is not easy, I thought that Christian are suppose to have some 'benefit' such as having an easier life, getting gifts from God, and as well as He'll bless me in everything, but that's not the way it is. Have to change my view towards Christian life. Gotta repent.

Today I got no chance to share during Cell Group, but it's OK I'll just post it here. Finally I finish up my exams and now I'm quite free, GMB is a very good Christian band. Pay total respect to the singer! Didn't expect I still have the 2nd chance to enjoy it! As today is my 1st time playing guitar I'm very happy because I have the privilege to serve. I hope for this around a year ago when I 1st join Cell Group back at W14. Anyway now finally I done that! Praise goes to the lord!

Anyway so much to share too lazy to type. Bottom of the line, I'm happy now and I'm glad. Today gotta sleep early for tomorrow basketball with Eric, hang out for people's birthday and mamak at night with Kin Theng. Good night everyone! Peace out! Rock On!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...



谁知道cell group multiply后就跟你同组...哈哈...


你这份关心我会将它带给其他cell member...