Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's day

February 14Th, a day that every couple enjoys. What's more better than having a day that the whole world celebrate it with you?
My day for valentine's day was quite a bit disappointed at 1st due to some reason, but then it was alright after we had a talk. She bought me a branded shirt called SUB. It's very expensive to me as I will not buy it myself cause I think it's not worth it. It cost around RM62.90 but with20% discount it's around RM49.90. She also bought me some sweet which i think it's quite nice because she love those sweets herself.
At night after my dinner with mom then I go to JJ (Jusco) to meet her up, and she bought 2 cards for mom and also for my bro (Vincent) and his girlfriend (Sue). After that we walk around Polo Ground at 9 something to enjoy the nice environment and she gave me a surprise by buying me a cake in Valentine's day. I didn't know that Valentine's day actually people buy cake to eat. =.="
After everything, then it's time for us to chat for more than 2 hours at the park. We communicate a lot of things. We share out our feelings and view, teaching and guide each other to walk in a better way.
As for me, I guess my day was OK. I had a good time, and everything went smoothly. So, what about you?


1 comment:

HamSapBear said...

at least u have a gf 2 celebrate
haha, me cham leh~~~
anyway drop by 2 say happy cny~!