Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sing 'K' at Time Square!

I just came back from Time Square for sing 'K' with my classmate (James, Ai Ting, Eddie, Lai Meng, Cheng Yang, Suk Vun, Maggi, Garreth, Mun Yee, Yin Yin, Iang Iang, Justin, Yoke Kuan and me) Actually today our main purpose is to celebrate Ai Ting 21st birthday and Eddie, Lai Meng and Mun Yee's 20th birthday.

I woke up early morning but no basketball due to some reason, but then I get myself ready around 12 in the noon and Cheng Yang fetch us to Time Square. We started off by sing K, but it was quite boring for me because I never do sing. But I just enjoy myself there by listening to their voices and skill. Maggi's voice was totally incredible! While she start to sing, everyone kept quite and just listen to her. Her voice are so sweet and heart melting. I was deeply touch by her voice. I've become her fans! Bravo to her!

The most fun thing during the whole sing K is not really about singing, it's about how crazy we play over there. I asked Ai Ting to sing me 'BAD BOY' while everyone of us start to dance over there to have some fun but yet no one dance except me.. =.=" But finally I succeeded to grab James to do some dirty dance together! LOL! After 'BAD BOY' then they requested me to dance while listening to Alex Du's 'Tuo Diao' well because of everyone's support I just cant say no to them. And so the music starts and I just do some easy moves and flow with the music, once we hit the chorus and i eventually take off my shirts and dance right in the middle of everyone. It's was such a nice time for me to get 'crazy' but I'm enjoying that! My 1st time!

Finish singing then time for cakes! Some nice cheese with chocolate and it was fantastic! Love that combination! Of cause without making them a little bit dirty then it won't look like birthday right? But eventually I dirty Justin although it's nit his birthday, LOL! Finish everything then it's time for a walk over Time Square and so I bought something for 'her' although it's only a small gift just hope she will like it. After that it's time for dinner back at Genting Klang. Thanks Cheng Yang a lot for fetching me go and back cause it need a lot of sacrifice, so THANKS dude!

Maggi was sick, and she told me she will faint at any time, something like low blood pressure, I'm so worry about her health. I did some massage for her on the way back but seems like it doesn't really feel good and she's getting more worse. Hope she'll be fine!

Bottom of the story, today was a really happy day for me! I'm enjoying it a lot! Thanks God for giving me such a wonderful time with my friends! I'm very tired, going to sleep! There are pictures below to show you the moment we had! Peace Out! Rock On!


As requested, Lai Meng & Eddie picture.

Another Lai Meng & Eddie picture.

Me with birthday boy and girls!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!

Make a wish, Make a wish!

Justin & Yoke Kuan another lovely couple!

Fenson & Ai Ting 2. But what's the different between the 1st picture? Can see it?

Fenson & Ai Ting... YEAH...

Me & Fenson.

Me & Maggi (Hitting me :'( )

Eddie & I ("L" from death note's signature gesture)

Ai Ting & Iang Iang. YUMMY!

Me & Ai Ting. Aaaa...

Maggi, Cheng Yang, Suk Vun & Mun Yee

Suk Vun & Mun Yee. Leng Lui.

Iang Iang & Yoke Kuan

Yin Yin & Yoke Kuan. Whose hand is that?

Lai Meng & Yoke Kuan. Lai Meng so happy.

Ai Ting & James (Lovely Couple)

Yin Yin & Ai Ting

Ai Ting & Yoke Kuan

Justin & Fenson

Iang Iang & Fenson

Ghost (me), Iang Iang & Justin

Lai Meng & Eddie still in progress

Iang Iang posting with her signature sign.

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