Sunday, February 11, 2007

Back at Ipoh!

Hello friends! Finally I'm back at Ipoh, my hometown. It's great to see those car on the street with the number plate start with A. Staying at KL for quite awhile and always look at the number plate which start from W makes me feel that I don't belong there. When I reached Ipoh and my mom brought me to my grandma house to take something and to drop them a visit, end up I've to accompany them to buy stuff to decorate the house, well it's my 1st time helping out to decorate it though it's not fun really.

I decided to cut my hair today, let me describe the hairstyle, 1st I wanna keep in front of my hair long and cut a 'V' shape right in the middle of my right side. 2nd, cutting from short till long length from the back. 3rd the middle part will be short so that I could spike it and 4th I decided to keep my 'hair tail' long to play with it. So is it hard to imagine that? Well no worries, I'll post the picture up there so I can share it with you all!

Since came back this time beside resting from my studies and being lazy, the other reason is to share my time with some people over here which are my special buddy (Calvin). He's going to Australia on 20th, and I guess he won't be back for another year till then, so gonna hang out with him more often. Then as well as my mom, I'll try to keep myself at the stage of good boy to her. Then Ivy, I'll spend 1 week with her before Chinese New Year start because she's going back to her hometown Sitiawan.
I dunno what's more going to happen to me on my holiday, will it be boring or exciting, just leave all these to God who decide for me! Till then, bye bye! Rock On!



Anonymous said...


de way u describe da hairstyle u wanna cut..
is kinda complicated~~~

i wonder when u express ur ideas to de hairstylist will he/she be scratching their

anyway i cant wait to c it,
make sure u post it in 3 or more dimension,hehe.

HamSapBear said...

state player in basketball, man, u r damn cool... lol, i nvr made it 2 dat level.

just drop by 2 say hi~!

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