Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Street Of Tokyo (CHC)

Last Word?

Save Princess Puppet from the hands of the 2 killers!


4 Cosplayer!
(Soul Striker, Princess Puppet, Witch Master, Shinigami)

Shinigami Vs Soul Striker

Soul Striker and Angel.

Princess Puppet and Soul Striker.

Protector of Witch Master.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Special Day.

Finally 20th birthday is here, can't believe myself it's already 20 years. I've been through a lot of difficulties, disappointment, heartbreak and many many more. But there is something that makes me happy as well, something is good something which is meaningful and more and more.

Sometimes I wonder how I get over those problems?? But I know there is always someone there for me to look after me and take care of me always. Who? It's Him, God Almighty! Praise the Lord! You have been looking after me for 20 years and yet You still never give up on me!

Wondering how's life gonna be after this! See ya! Good Night Bloggie, and Happy birthday to me!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fantasy Becomes Reality. (Chapter 1)

(Yawn.. Scrubbing his hair and rubbing his eyes..)
Ben :"It's 5.30 in the morning again. I gotta clean up myself before I'm late for school."

(Looking at the mirror while brushing his teeth)
Ben :"Gosh, is those stupid pimples again! Argh, I hate that! I'm only 15 this year and I don't wanna look like those guys with tons of pimples!"

(Reached school)

Ben is attending school like any other normal kid in the world. As what other people does, he attend classes, sleep in class, talk to his friends, playing around and nevertheless punished by discipline teacher for his wrongdoings. Ben is not a clever or outstanding student, but inside of his heart, there is a strong desire and dream, which is playing music in front of the people all around the world.

(During English class)
Ms. Jasmine :"Attention students, today I want all of you to write me an essay on 'My dreams.' Pass it up to your monitor end of the class."

Without wasting any time thinking what to write, Ben picked up his pen and start writing the essay. Within 15 minutes, Ben finally finished and pass it up to monitor. This is what he wrote.

"My Dreams"

Dear Ms. Jasmine, I never had second thought about my dreams as there were none beside playing music in front of the people all around the world. I'm not clever and smart, I know I'm not a good student as well. Well I love sports but it never really cross my mind that I want to be a badminton player. All I just want people to listen to my music and understand what I think and how I feel.

My family never really cares bout me. My brothers bullied and ignores me. I feel lonely and heartbroken but there is no one that I can speak to, but just compose out songs that express my feelings.

I always have a vision that I saw me and my band playing in a stadium which everyone packed the stadium and they are cheering our name!

This is all I ever wanted and all I ever need! Within few years I'm going to achieve my dreams!

(School ends..)
Ben :"Yeah, school's over, time to head back home! I'm not gonna waste my time to do something which is meaningless, I have to work harder to make my dreams come true!"

(3 hours later..)
Ben's mom :"Son, you've been practicing your bass for hours, would you just take a break and have your dinner?"

Ben :"Awhile mom, I'll have my dinner later okay? Just give me another 30 minutes and I'll have my dinner."

To Be Continue..

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Bloggie, I'm back!!! Wow.. Didn't know it has been so long I didn't blog here! *Cough Cough* My heaven, tons of spider webs around here! Well still it's a same old nice place to write things that I like here!

How have I been? Erm, everything went well, there is time where I celebrate for good things happen in my life and there is time for me to sit down cool to settle my problems. Of course, bad things always more than good, isn't it?

Anyway I'll start writing out stories to fill up my time, wondering who is gonna read it anyway. ^^ I'm tired, gonna start bloggin stories later! Good Night Bloggie!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Muse in K.L!

25Th February, today is the day that I waited for months. Finally Muse is in K.L! Early in the morning woke up and find out myself that today finally Muse is here and I'm ready for their awesome performance!

Joey (Singer) meet up with me around 2 something in the noon, and we are off to Sg. Wang to meet up with Zen (Guitarist), Micheal (Zen's Cousin), Navid (Zen's friend replace Han's place). And it's bad to know it when Han (Drummer) can't make it to the concert because it's a awesome performance.

Finally, the time has come. We reached Stadium Negara around 7.30 pm and we are looking for the person who in charge, end up running here and there yet can't find it. It was frustrating at first but finally we get our tickets with the name of VIP. It was cool at first and felt (OH MAN! VIP! COOL! ALL OF YOU HAVE NO VIP)

But things got worse when we are inside the Stadium, Eric Chen (person who in charge) put us in the STUPID FREAKING backseat and asked us not to go anywhere and just sit down. Treating us like some idiots who never go for any concerts ever! We are suppose to be in the rock arena in front of the stage but end up sitting back there for Rock concert. You'll know how I fell if you went for Rock concert!

At that moment, all of us felt disappointment and no fun at all. But what the heck, who cares because it's just about me and the band, who cares about where am I. So once Muse on stage, everyone screaming their lungs out. They start their concert with 1 of their new songs from the latest album "Black Hole and Revelation" entitled Knights of Cydonia! It's was cool because it's powerful at brigde.

Too much songs to describe here because they played most of their songs from "Absolution" & "Black Hole & Revelation". As I only remember the few songs that they played are:

-Knights of Cydonia
-Plug In Baby
-Time is Running Out
-Take A Bow
-Supermassive Black Hole
-Map Of The Problematique
-Soldier's Poem
-Apocalypse Please
-Butterflies and Hurricanes
-Sing For Absulotion
-Stockholm Syndrome
(And some songs that I forget to list down)

And so the concert was fantastic, awesome and perfect! I used to listen to Muse end up can't feel and power and head banging in their songs, but things are different when it comes to concert! Everyone singing, everyone dancing, everyone head banging! AWESOME! Though we are put at the back but yet we enjoyed the performance by them!

And this really motivates me and my band that train harder, play harder, rock even harder to get to the stage. Blinded Truth will be the FIRST band which can break into the Europe market and we will rock the world! Proving you that Blinded Truth is no shitty band with pop. We are truely a rock band!

PS: It's proven that rock songs are different from listening at house compare to concerts!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's day

February 14Th, a day that every couple enjoys. What's more better than having a day that the whole world celebrate it with you?
My day for valentine's day was quite a bit disappointed at 1st due to some reason, but then it was alright after we had a talk. She bought me a branded shirt called SUB. It's very expensive to me as I will not buy it myself cause I think it's not worth it. It cost around RM62.90 but with20% discount it's around RM49.90. She also bought me some sweet which i think it's quite nice because she love those sweets herself.
At night after my dinner with mom then I go to JJ (Jusco) to meet her up, and she bought 2 cards for mom and also for my bro (Vincent) and his girlfriend (Sue). After that we walk around Polo Ground at 9 something to enjoy the nice environment and she gave me a surprise by buying me a cake in Valentine's day. I didn't know that Valentine's day actually people buy cake to eat. =.="
After everything, then it's time for us to chat for more than 2 hours at the park. We communicate a lot of things. We share out our feelings and view, teaching and guide each other to walk in a better way.
As for me, I guess my day was OK. I had a good time, and everything went smoothly. So, what about you?


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Back at Ipoh!

Hello friends! Finally I'm back at Ipoh, my hometown. It's great to see those car on the street with the number plate start with A. Staying at KL for quite awhile and always look at the number plate which start from W makes me feel that I don't belong there. When I reached Ipoh and my mom brought me to my grandma house to take something and to drop them a visit, end up I've to accompany them to buy stuff to decorate the house, well it's my 1st time helping out to decorate it though it's not fun really.

I decided to cut my hair today, let me describe the hairstyle, 1st I wanna keep in front of my hair long and cut a 'V' shape right in the middle of my right side. 2nd, cutting from short till long length from the back. 3rd the middle part will be short so that I could spike it and 4th I decided to keep my 'hair tail' long to play with it. So is it hard to imagine that? Well no worries, I'll post the picture up there so I can share it with you all!

Since came back this time beside resting from my studies and being lazy, the other reason is to share my time with some people over here which are my special buddy (Calvin). He's going to Australia on 20th, and I guess he won't be back for another year till then, so gonna hang out with him more often. Then as well as my mom, I'll try to keep myself at the stage of good boy to her. Then Ivy, I'll spend 1 week with her before Chinese New Year start because she's going back to her hometown Sitiawan.
I dunno what's more going to happen to me on my holiday, will it be boring or exciting, just leave all these to God who decide for me! Till then, bye bye! Rock On!


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sing 'K' at Time Square!

I just came back from Time Square for sing 'K' with my classmate (James, Ai Ting, Eddie, Lai Meng, Cheng Yang, Suk Vun, Maggi, Garreth, Mun Yee, Yin Yin, Iang Iang, Justin, Yoke Kuan and me) Actually today our main purpose is to celebrate Ai Ting 21st birthday and Eddie, Lai Meng and Mun Yee's 20th birthday.

I woke up early morning but no basketball due to some reason, but then I get myself ready around 12 in the noon and Cheng Yang fetch us to Time Square. We started off by sing K, but it was quite boring for me because I never do sing. But I just enjoy myself there by listening to their voices and skill. Maggi's voice was totally incredible! While she start to sing, everyone kept quite and just listen to her. Her voice are so sweet and heart melting. I was deeply touch by her voice. I've become her fans! Bravo to her!

The most fun thing during the whole sing K is not really about singing, it's about how crazy we play over there. I asked Ai Ting to sing me 'BAD BOY' while everyone of us start to dance over there to have some fun but yet no one dance except me.. =.=" But finally I succeeded to grab James to do some dirty dance together! LOL! After 'BAD BOY' then they requested me to dance while listening to Alex Du's 'Tuo Diao' well because of everyone's support I just cant say no to them. And so the music starts and I just do some easy moves and flow with the music, once we hit the chorus and i eventually take off my shirts and dance right in the middle of everyone. It's was such a nice time for me to get 'crazy' but I'm enjoying that! My 1st time!

Finish singing then time for cakes! Some nice cheese with chocolate and it was fantastic! Love that combination! Of cause without making them a little bit dirty then it won't look like birthday right? But eventually I dirty Justin although it's nit his birthday, LOL! Finish everything then it's time for a walk over Time Square and so I bought something for 'her' although it's only a small gift just hope she will like it. After that it's time for dinner back at Genting Klang. Thanks Cheng Yang a lot for fetching me go and back cause it need a lot of sacrifice, so THANKS dude!

Maggi was sick, and she told me she will faint at any time, something like low blood pressure, I'm so worry about her health. I did some massage for her on the way back but seems like it doesn't really feel good and she's getting more worse. Hope she'll be fine!

Bottom of the story, today was a really happy day for me! I'm enjoying it a lot! Thanks God for giving me such a wonderful time with my friends! I'm very tired, going to sleep! There are pictures below to show you the moment we had! Peace Out! Rock On!


As requested, Lai Meng & Eddie picture.

Another Lai Meng & Eddie picture.

Me with birthday boy and girls!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!

Make a wish, Make a wish!

Justin & Yoke Kuan another lovely couple!

Fenson & Ai Ting 2. But what's the different between the 1st picture? Can see it?

Fenson & Ai Ting... YEAH...

Me & Fenson.

Me & Maggi (Hitting me :'( )

Eddie & I ("L" from death note's signature gesture)

Ai Ting & Iang Iang. YUMMY!

Me & Ai Ting. Aaaa...

Maggi, Cheng Yang, Suk Vun & Mun Yee

Suk Vun & Mun Yee. Leng Lui.

Iang Iang & Yoke Kuan

Yin Yin & Yoke Kuan. Whose hand is that?

Lai Meng & Yoke Kuan. Lai Meng so happy.

Ai Ting & James (Lovely Couple)

Yin Yin & Ai Ting

Ai Ting & Yoke Kuan

Justin & Fenson

Iang Iang & Fenson

Ghost (me), Iang Iang & Justin

Lai Meng & Eddie still in progress

Iang Iang posting with her signature sign.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Cell Group W26

I just came back from my cell group, I started to serve today as a guitarist. This is my 1st time playing and I need a lot of time to get used to it, but too bad I'm leaving City Harvest every soon. It's gonna lead another new story in my life again. Wonder how's it going to be? Exciting?

Being a Christian is not easy, I thought that Christian are suppose to have some 'benefit' such as having an easier life, getting gifts from God, and as well as He'll bless me in everything, but that's not the way it is. Have to change my view towards Christian life. Gotta repent.

Today I got no chance to share during Cell Group, but it's OK I'll just post it here. Finally I finish up my exams and now I'm quite free, GMB is a very good Christian band. Pay total respect to the singer! Didn't expect I still have the 2nd chance to enjoy it! As today is my 1st time playing guitar I'm very happy because I have the privilege to serve. I hope for this around a year ago when I 1st join Cell Group back at W14. Anyway now finally I done that! Praise goes to the lord!

Anyway so much to share too lazy to type. Bottom of the line, I'm happy now and I'm glad. Today gotta sleep early for tomorrow basketball with Eric, hang out for people's birthday and mamak at night with Kin Theng. Good night everyone! Peace out! Rock On!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Time flies.

It just happen like yesterday, I never realize that I'm in KL for more than 1 year and 10 months! It's just like a blink of an eye! This is my final second semester, around 2 more months I'm going to graduate from my college. What a shock!

This is the 1st time for me to experience the life of being 20. I'm not so happy bout it because I think I'm starting to get 'old' because I'm just so little kid. Can't imagine myself being an adult. Wonder why time passes so fast.

During these period of my college life, I get to know a lot of friends, from my course and my church. Well I'm glad that I've them as my friends. Someone who can take care of me as well as someone out there need me to care for them.

This is coming to an end for my college life around 2 more months. Am I gonna continue my studies for Degree? I'm still thinking bout it because I'm not ready to go out to work yet, and I wanna enjoy my life before I step into the working world.

If Blinded Truth is a success then I'll have no more problems and as well as headache because I really love and enjoy playing music! I wanna play music for life!

Today is the last day of my examination! HOORAY! No more exams, no more studies for the moment so that I can get some rest before heading to my last semester in my college. Today's paper was tough, didn't do well as I expected because the paper was way too hard. Totally different from the things that we study in our lecture. Wondering is it because the lecturer dropping us some kind of joke. A lot of us were disappointed for that. As for me, I guess I can pass my exams but not sure whether I can get a good result or not. Hope for the best!

That's all for now! Peace Out! Rock On!


First time.

Well well well, what do you know, I'm starting to blog again since a year ago. I didn't really expect to blog, thanks to her (Cheryl) the girl that 'INSPIRE' me to create an account here to blog. Anyway this will be a place for me to blog about what I've been through and what's the latest update.

Stay tuned for more. Peace out! Rock On!
