Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fantasy Becomes Reality. (Chapter 1)

(Yawn.. Scrubbing his hair and rubbing his eyes..)
Ben :"It's 5.30 in the morning again. I gotta clean up myself before I'm late for school."

(Looking at the mirror while brushing his teeth)
Ben :"Gosh, is those stupid pimples again! Argh, I hate that! I'm only 15 this year and I don't wanna look like those guys with tons of pimples!"

(Reached school)

Ben is attending school like any other normal kid in the world. As what other people does, he attend classes, sleep in class, talk to his friends, playing around and nevertheless punished by discipline teacher for his wrongdoings. Ben is not a clever or outstanding student, but inside of his heart, there is a strong desire and dream, which is playing music in front of the people all around the world.

(During English class)
Ms. Jasmine :"Attention students, today I want all of you to write me an essay on 'My dreams.' Pass it up to your monitor end of the class."

Without wasting any time thinking what to write, Ben picked up his pen and start writing the essay. Within 15 minutes, Ben finally finished and pass it up to monitor. This is what he wrote.

"My Dreams"

Dear Ms. Jasmine, I never had second thought about my dreams as there were none beside playing music in front of the people all around the world. I'm not clever and smart, I know I'm not a good student as well. Well I love sports but it never really cross my mind that I want to be a badminton player. All I just want people to listen to my music and understand what I think and how I feel.

My family never really cares bout me. My brothers bullied and ignores me. I feel lonely and heartbroken but there is no one that I can speak to, but just compose out songs that express my feelings.

I always have a vision that I saw me and my band playing in a stadium which everyone packed the stadium and they are cheering our name!

This is all I ever wanted and all I ever need! Within few years I'm going to achieve my dreams!

(School ends..)
Ben :"Yeah, school's over, time to head back home! I'm not gonna waste my time to do something which is meaningless, I have to work harder to make my dreams come true!"

(3 hours later..)
Ben's mom :"Son, you've been practicing your bass for hours, would you just take a break and have your dinner?"

Ben :"Awhile mom, I'll have my dinner later okay? Just give me another 30 minutes and I'll have my dinner."

To Be Continue..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.