Monday, December 14, 2009


Wow, finished 1st paper which is Broadcasting 2. Omg, 1st time in my life that I actually have not enough time to finish up my paper. Usually all the papers I finished is probably around half an hour earlier, but today it's my 1st time not being able to finish it up!

What a day, exams not so stress but by the weather it drives me crazy, sorta sick actually, body can feel it's a bit over heat or sth, i really need to drink more n more water. I can't afford to get sick because having BBQ on Wed and last paper on Thurs.

Buckle up, work harder for the next coming paper! But now let get some rest 1st! ZZZ...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What a day~

What a day~ Traveling around just to get my 'mortal' a christmas present. I hope that not gonna be and Penny the only 2 person is serious in this game! Because the effort and sweat that we put in, going around few places, walk around and ask for the best price. I hope I'll bless my mortal what he wants.

Anyway, just back home, no place is more better than my own house, staying in the room, listening to my favourite music, watching movie, not talking to anyone and just to be in my own world. At least for only awhile, and after that it's time to connect back to the world.

Tomorrow is my Broadcast 2 exam, and yet i'm still blogging and facebooking. The main thing is I'm not nervous or worry about the exam, just feel peace in my heart. But still I'm gonna study later, just a short preparation. So jealous Chelsea, Joey and Penny, tomorrow is their last paper. ><

But it's ok, Thurs is my last paper too. Pray and do what is right! Work harder! All the best!